Many of us are eager to travel around the world, but we don’t have any friend who can share the enjoyment of travelling and the fascination of the foreign lands with us. Travelling solo may seem like a scary concept, especially for some women. With the ease of transportation, there should be nothing that can stop you from travelling alone. If you are willing to travel, it is the opportunity to learn new things and broaden your mind. You can enjoy each moment of your lives, without worrying whether others will feel the same. Each of us has unique preferences that are not shared by most of other people.

If we ask people the reason why they travel alone, they would answer that they want to enjoy everything by themselves. Others say that they want to learn to be brave and independent, by being able to travel around the world on their own. Travelling alone isn’t just about getting from point A to point B. For many people, travelling is about voyage of discovering themselves. They want to know themselves more by going out and experiencing many new things. If you want to overcome fears of travelling along, you should know about things that can make you tick. You should know about things can make you happy.

If you want to become an avid traveller, you should start to consider that travelling is the food of your soul. By travelling, you can put many things in your lives into perspective and you can appreciate a lot of smaller things, like comfortable bed and hot shower when you are tired. You will realize that there are many things that you can live without, such as junk food, smoking and smartphones.  You will appreciate a pair of durable and comfortable shoes, rather than having plenty of expensive, stylish shoes. By travelling, you can also learn on how to become more resourceful. There are simply many things that can amaze yourself.

Travelling is nearly ageless. Once you reach the adolescence years, then you can start travelling. Many elderly, retired people are doing solo travel around the world. They want to see things that know in books and computer screens. You will be able to learn about the tradition and history of each country. By travelling alone, you can break down any barrier when it comes to talk to random strangers. To travel solo successfully, you need to talk with a lot people. Travelling is a big society and it can be quite surprising at how fast and easy for you to make new friends with other travellers, whether they are solo, couples or groups.

For introverts, solo travel could bring them to get out of their comfort zone. Instead of staying at hotel, they may choose to do couchsurfing. They will be able to find different kinds of people, as an example, those who are funny, loud, shy or just plain odd. When travelling and meeting new people, it is the time to start over. If you want to be a different and better person, it’s an opportunity to do so.