A boiler is the main crucial part of a heating system that requires proper care and maintenance to ensure you get longevity out of your heating system. If you don’t take proper care of your boiler and it starts malfunctioning it can result in high utility bills, continual repairs, and other minor issues.

Keeping a boiler in a good state with a boiler service will help increase the efficiency levels so your bills will be less and your home warmer. Most homes these days have a boiler and although there are different types ensuring your boiler is examined regularly will help to identify any issues early so you can get them fixed before they become a bigger and more expensive problem.

Below are some minor signs that indicate a boiler requires repair and to stop the issue from becoming bigger.

  1. Leaks

Many people think that a small leak is a very common problem that occurs often with a boiler. However, the full extent of a leak is not always visible and can result in extensive water damage on walls and other areas of your home. If you notice a small leak from your boiler you should check surrounding areas for any water damage or build-up spots. If there isn’t and it is a small leak usually a component has become lose and if tightened will stop the leak. Try to identify the leak location on the boiler and tighten all components close to this area.

  1. Strange sounds

The most common reason for a boiler to be making strange sounds is due to malfunction. It most likely due to poor functioning of the circulating pump and other components. The pump may need a replacement immediately to stop any major problems and to minimize any sounds coming from the boiler. Low water pressure in a boiler can cause whistling or gurgling sounds that need immediate attention. The trapping of salt and debris in the appliance can result in kettling which requires assistance from a professional.

  1. Heating delay

Heating delay is another issue that needs repair from a professional in boilers and heating. It may happen due to the malfunction of certain components in a boiler and require replacement. In addition to this, improper circulation may lead to excessive cold or hot water due to the boiler not warming the water evenly. If you notice that your boiler is taking a longer time than usual to heat your water then it would be recommended to call a boiler specialist to come and check for any heating delay issues.

  1. The boiler turns off without any warning

When a boiler turns off without any warning, it is a key sign that your boiler needs a service. Only a certified company such as Strand Heating provides expert boiler repair & servicing in Sheringham knows how to identify and fix the issue as to why the boiler turns off by itself. These experts have the know-how and experience to fix any boiler issue and get you back up and running as fast as possible. By getting someone out early to do small boiler repairs will save you a lot of time and money long term.

  1. Foul or strange smells

Carbon monoxide can cause severe health hazards and anyone who smells something from a boiler should evacuate the property and call a specialist immediately. It is not always easy to detect carbon monoxide smells but common signs of carbon monoxide leaks are a cause of yellow flame and dark spots in a boiler, if you spot these signs with your boiler then you must leave the property as the carbon monoxide level could be fatal.

  1. Higher heating bills

You may start to see an increase in your heating bills, if so you should aware that this could be down to your boiler not performing efficiently. If your boiler has to work harder to produce the heat then it costs you more money. By getting your boiler serviced regularly ensures that your boiler is always running optimally meaning cheaper bills and a warmer home.

The money you save by having a serviced boiler usually covers the cost of the service so it makes sense in the long run, the more regularly you get your boiler checked means your boiler will last longer and you won’t have to pay for repairs or a full installation of a new boiler.